Treasure Chests

By holding certain NFTs (Founder's Badges and Coins) during the specific monthly snapshot, owners will receive the associated Treasure Chest NFTs.

For avoidance of doubt, players will receive one airdrop for each applicable NFT held during the monthly snapshot.

Treasure Chest prizes will change each game season! With every major update or entry of new collections, we will update the chests with corresponding prizes.

Mysterious Chest Blending

  • 5 Bronze Coins can be exchanged in our blending marketplace for a Mysterious Chest

NFT Coin Upgrade Blending

Most NFT coins can be upgraded via blending. For example, if you blend 10 bronze coins, you will receive a single silver coin. If you blend 10 silver coins, you will receive a single emerald coin. NFT Coins Upgrade Blending can be found here.

NFT Coin Upgrade Blends and associated Airdrop

Blend recipeBlend resultMonthly airdrop

10 bronze coins

1 silver coin


10 silver coins

1 emerald coin

Emerald chest

5 emerald coins

1 ruby coin

Ruby chest

Season 1 prizes

Season 2 prizes

The season 2 treasure chests have the same reward percentage for each reward slot, and there is the number of rewards of each chest:

Treasure chestNumber of NFTs inside

Mysterious chest


Founder chest


Emerald chest


Ruby chest


Last updated